Behind the Scenes
Home Page
When designing the home page, we wanted to give our users a welcoming and secure feeling when first opening our application. We wanted our users to be able to know their purpose and understand that their dreams actually hold a huge significance in their daily lives. In addition, we made sure that people could get the most out of this app by giving them the option to journal, listen, or explore.
Explore Page
We wanted to make sure that our explore page actually made our users want to continue exploring new things when it came to dreaming. In order to do so, we included a for you section that gave new suggestions to explore based on each specific user's current interests. We then decided to add a collection section so that our users could save anything that they found interesting.
Journals Page
We knew that the journals page was going to be the most integral part of our application. Knowing this, we need to make this feature as seemless and intuitive as possible for the user to be able to navagate through. We decided that it was best to include both audio and text playback so that the user could revisit their dreams in whatever manner they prefered.