Mateo Sturla
+51 924 669 688

Favourite color: Light Blue

Favourite Websites: Google , USC Home Page , Google Translate

Current Class Schedule:
List of completed assignments:
  1. Assignment Page
  2. Tutorial
  3. Resume
  4. Film Package Review
  5. Individual Web Project Proposal
  6. Greenpeace Survey
  7. Interactive Article
  8. Website Frontpage
  9. Adaptive Film Article
  10. Simple JS Color Setter
  11. Calculator Web App
  12. Phoyo Gallery
  13. Random Photo Generator
  14. Dog Photo Page
  15. Indiv Project Milestone: Content Build
  16. CS Webpage mockup
  17. Restructuring Data
  18. Bookmark link page
  19. Personal Webpage Final Build
  20. Group Project: Content Build
  21. Group Project: Final Build
List of completed labs:
  1. Calendar
  2. Zen Garden (Collab with Justin Zhang)
  3. Exam Practice
  4. Print Stylesheet
  5. Alternate Frontpage
  6. Function Lab
  7. Conditional Statements
  8. JQ Lab 1
  9. JQ Lab 2
  10. Email Validation
  11. Animate Lab