Mateo Sturla Gomez
348 Henry Revet Street, Lima 15048, Peru
- Pestalozzi School 2006-2018
Pre-school, middle-school, and highschool
- Gap year, freelance work 2019-2020
During my gap year I took drawing classes in a college and design classe on my own
- University of Souther California 2020-2024
Bachelor of Arts, Technology, and the Business of Innovation
Planning on taking a minor in environmental design and sustainability
- Partnership with Alvaro Chang-Say (industrial designer):
Worked with Alvaro to design and bring to life sustainable and accesible alternatives to a stand up paddle. We named the design "SUB" short for stand up boddle, because the solution we found was making one out of recycled single use plastic bottles.
- Freelance design for my portfolio:
Designed and built several sustainable alternatives to everyday objects. For example a comb made out of bamboo, a lamp made out of recycled PVC pipes, a case made out with recycled billboard vinyl,etc.
- Homeless housing project:
For the past few weeks I have been working on developing concepts on creating a modular design to house the LA homeless on a big scale while keeping prices down
- Craftmanship skills:
- Woodworking
- Metalworking
- 3D Printing
- Rapid prototyping
- Working with resins (Epoxy and PE)
- CAD/3D Modelling skills:
- Fusion 360:
-extensive experience in parametric modeling, rendering and animating
-intermediate experience in simulations and direct modeling
- Solidworks:
-intermediate experience in parametric modelling
-in the process of learning SW electric, simulations and setting up CAM machines.
- Graphic design skills:
- Ilustrator
- InDesign
- Photoshop
- Procreate
- 2D & 3D sketching skills